Districtwide Phone Numbers
Districtwide Services Phone Numbers
Districtwide Services Phone Numbers
Athletic Director 631 244-6625
Buildings & Grounds 631 244-6550
Business Office 631 244-6530
Curriculum 631 244-6515
Food and Nutrition 631 244-6558
Instructional Technology Materials 631 244-6565
Personnel 631 244-6520
Publicity 631 244-6514
Student Services 631 244-6505
Purchasing 631 244-6539
Security 631 244-6785
Tips Hotline 631 244-6503
Special Education 631 244-6545
Superintendent 631 244-6510
Transportation 631 244-6525
Maintenance (Garfield Avenue) 631 244-6597
Districtwide Services Phone Numbers
Districtwide Services Phone Numbers
Athletic Director 631 244-6625
Buildings & Grounds 631 244-6550
Business Office 631 244-6530
Curriculum 631 244-6515
Food and Nutrition 631 244-6558
Instructional Technology Materials 631 244-6565
Personnel 631 244-6520
Publicity 631 244-6514
Student Services 631 244-6505
Purchasing 631 244-6539
Security 631 244-6785
Tips Hotline 631 244-6503
Special Education 631 244-6545
Superintendent 631 244-6510
Transportation 631 244-6525
Maintenance (Garfield Avenue) 631 244-6597