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Delayed Openings School Closings Policy


Dear Parents/Guardians: 

Below is a list of general Questions and Answers regarding delayed school openings. We hope the information will help you prepare a plan for your family in the event of a delayed starting time. As always, the paramount concern is for the safety of your children as they travel to and from school each day. 



 Sayville School District Questions

Regarding Delayed School Openings 


What is a delayed school opening?


A delayed school opening is one in which the regular starting


time for a school is changed because of weather-related


problems.  (e.g., High School normal starting time is 7:30 a.m. 


In a two-hour delay, the High School would start at 9:30, the


Middle School at 9:50a.m. Cherry avenue @ 10:30 a.m.,


Lincoln Avenue @ 11:00 a.m., and Sunrise Drive @ 11:00 a.m.) 



Why is it necessary to have a delayed school opening?


A delayed school opening allows the Town and School District


additional time to sand the roads, sidewalks, etc. in order to


ensure a safer trip to school for our students and staff. 



 Why hasn’t the District utilized delayed


school openings in the past?


Over the past few years there has been a


distinctive change in weather patterns on


Long Island.  The delayed opening is an option for coping with


the changes in weather patterns. 



Would all Sayville private, parochial and public


school students be subject to the delayed opening


regardless of the school attended?






If a delayed opening were necessary, would dismissal


times be the same?







How would parents know about a delayed


school opening?



Visit any of the following: District website and Channel 12 news. 



If my child attends a private or a parochial school


outside the District and that school starts at the


regular time, does my youngster still get picked up on


a two-hour delay?



Yes.  For example, if your child attends St. John the Baptist in


West Islip and that school starts at its regular time of 7:48


a.m., your child would start school on a two-hour delay at


9:48 a.m.



If my child attends a Regional BOCES school, would


he/she be subject to a delayed school opening?



BOCES Schools do not employ a delayed school opening;


either the school is open or it is closed.  Therefore, all


BOCES Regional students would be picked up at their


regularly scheduled times as per BOCES Regional Directives. 


Questions regarding the BOCES Regional Program should be


directed to Lorraine Misciagno, Transportation Supervisor,


Regional Transportation Program, 90-9B Colin Drive,


Holbrook, New York 11741.  The phone number is


631-472-6480 or fax: 631-472-8798.



If there is a two-hour delayed opening, what time can


I expect my child to be picked up?


If your child goes to the High School and his regular pick up is


6:45 a.m., his delayed pick up would be two hours later which


is 8:45 a.m.  In other words, for all pick ups, just add two


hours from your child’s regular pick up time. 


Delayed openings School Closings

Related Files

General Information Booklet