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February 2010 Budget letter

From the Office of John J. Belmonte

Assistant Superintendent for Business

February 2010


Dear Sayville Residents,


The Sayville School District and Board of Education have begun the Budget process for the 2010-2011 School Year. Every year at this time, it is a work in progress. We create a first draft by assessing the proposed expenditures of the upcoming fiscal year as well as the proposed means to finance them.


As you may already know, the fiscal deficiencies of New York State will have significant impact on all schools throughout the state, with Long Island schools being especially hard hit.


According to the Governor’s current figures, Sayville School District is slated to lose approximately $2.2 million in state aid. In addition, some state and county programs are trying to shift their financial burdens to school districts. The significant shortfall of state aid along withSayville’s usual costs to keep our programs intact and our class sizes reasonable—even without these new expenditures from the state and county—make the proposed increase on the tax rate unacceptable. 


During this first draft of the proposed budget, Sayville Administrators and Board of Education members must work together to find ways to reduce the costs of education without reducing the quality of our educational programs. (Attached are Powerpoints of Budget presentations.)


As this concerns every Sayville Resident, we encourage you to attend the Board meetings throughout March and April and be part of the process. (See dates below.)


In addition, we are sponsoring a special Superintendent’s Roundtable, scheduled for Tuesday, March 9 in the Sunrise Drive Cafeteria, which will be an informal gathering with Administrators and Board members. Sharing ideas through a question-and-answer session will help us all become better informed.


We look forward to meeting with you at the Roundtable and seeing you at our Board meetings. As always, we appreciate your support in ensuring Sayville will remain a viable community for families to thrive.





John J. Belmonte

Sayville Assistant Superintendent for Business


March BOE Budget Discussions, Sayville Administration Building

Thursday, March 4: 7pm

Thursday, March 11: 8 pm

Thursday, March 18 (if needed): 7pm

Thursday, March  25 (if needed): 7pm

April BOE Budget Discussions, Sayville Administration Building

Thursday, April 8:  7 pm

Thursday, April 15: 8 pm

May BOE Budget Discussions, Sayville Administration Building

Thursday, May 6: 7pm

Thursday, May 13: 8pm


The Budget Hearing is May 11, Administration Building

Budget Vote May 18 in the High School Lobby