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Beginning the 2012-2013 BUDGET PROCESS

2012-2013 School Year

As we begin the budget process for the 2012-2013 School Year, we are faced with the fiscal challenge of New York State’s new 2% property tax levy cap. The extent which the new law results in the loss of educational and support programs will depend on the levels of state education funding and whether state leaders offer any meaningful mandate-relief measures to help control rising costs.

The attached publication provides some initial information that hopefully will dispel some of the myths, misinformation, and misconceptions surrounding a 2% property tax levy cap.  Please note that information is still being finalized by the New York State’s Comptroller’s Office, the State Education Department, and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. 

In reviewing the information below, you will see that this is a rather complex formula that is not necessarily limited to a 2% property tax cap.  This information is being provided as a foundation for our beginning discussions about the budget development process and the affect the tax cap will have on that process. 

 As additional information becomes available, we will share it with the community. 

 Please also see the 2012-2013 tentative Budge Review Calendar. 

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Calendar for 2012-2013 Budget Process