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Setting Tax Rate for 2013 2014 School Year

From the office of John J. Belmonte


To learn more about Sayville School District's financial management and fiscal responsibilities throughout the upcoming academic year, please click on the tabs on the left in the navigator bar and the attached files below to review the latest information that will help you understand the challenges that lie ahead for our district. Please check back regularly for updates.

Lowering the Tax-Rate Increase in Sayville

For another year, Sayville has been able to set the tax-rate increase LOWER than originally projected during the Budget Vote in May. Dropping from 2.75% to 2.63% translates—for the Homestead Properties before S.T.A.R. exemptions*—into $188 increase for the year or $15.66 more a month for homes assessed at 40K.

There is also some relief for Downtown Sayville. A shift from the NonHomestead Properties** this year has resulted in a tax-rate DECREASE of .24% for our local businesses.

Fortunately, prudent oversight by the Sayville Board of Education and Sayville Administration, along with the district’s long-term fiscal management and cooperating bargaining units, have yielded successful results in the Sayville School District. This year, the District did not have to cut our programs and educational opportunities for our students. Also by projecting our tax-rate increase so accurately, especially with fluctuating State-Aid Revenues making the Budget season extra challenging for many school districts, we were able to maintain the stability within our own district as well as our programs. We remain committed to providing both an excellent and affordable education that ensures our students are college/job-ready in the future.

Sayville School district thanks the community for your continued support and encourages residents to get involved and be informed by attending the Board of Education Meetings and other district functions. Please check the district online calendar for details. Also, you may contact Assistant Superintendent for Business John Belmonte at 244 6530 if you have questions regarding the up-coming budget process.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: All residents who have BASIC S.T.A.R. exemptions (not Enhanced S.T.A.R.) should expect to be receiving notification from the State with a NEW BASIC S.T.A.R. code by the end of October. Residents must use this new code to reapply for BASIC S.T.A.R. These BASIC S.T.A.R. applications must be re-filed before December 31st, 2013 and will affect the tax status in 2014-2015. Residents who have not received their new BASIC S.T.A.R. code or need further information should  go to or call (518) 457-2036.

**Each year, the Town of Islip determines the taxable assessment or “Assessed Valuation" of all properties in Sayville and also provides the “Base Allocation” figure that represents the percentage of Homestead (Residential) and NonHomestead (Business) properties within the District. These values change annually based upon such things as the number of homes sold, new homes built, developed properties throughout the year, and Tax CERTs (adjustments to home owners’ tax rates). School districts receive this information in August and use it to set the tax rate.



Safer than Sorry


Recent history has made us wary.

As a nation, we may have lost our innocence in the face of such unthinkable tragedies at Sandy Hook elementary school, the Boston Marathon, Columbine, and on 9/11, but if innocence is replaced by foresight, awareness, prevention, and practice drills, perhaps its loss can avert the loss of innocent lives.

While Sayville schools has long used standard safeguards to protect our students and staff from verbal and physical injury through the application of SAVE legislation, antibullying programs, DASA mandates, and code-of-conduct policies, times have changed. Responding to the heightened concerns about student and staff safety, Sayville Administrators, Educators, Staff, and Board of Education members have been working on a cohesive solution.  The result is a new safety plan that raises the level of security at all our school district facilities.

The Sayville BOE’s decision and the community’s approval to utilize $500,000 for a capital improvements project has allowed the District to begin implementation of new technology that will ensure better security. Some of this technology includes external cameras, video-intercoms, alarms, and electronic visitor-management systems which would be in full operation during the school day.  Parents may have already noticed not only  the improved main entrances at the High School and Middle School which afford better views of approaching visitors, but also the new sign-in/out procedures and the ID-Visitor Pass requirements.

In addition, new security personnel, with professional law enforcement backgrounds, are now present at the main entrances of each of our facilities. These individuals are trained for many different situations in crisis and emergency management. They know how to react, how to give directions while avoiding disaster, as well as evacuation procedures. Most importantly, they provide a safe and secure environment for our students, staff, and community.

A conducive environment for student learning is the ultimate goal of all these changes; and while we hope and pray never to test the system, it is better to be safe and secure, than sorry.