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Archives of 2016-2017 Budget Presentations and Process

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2016-2017 Budget Process

Beginning the 2016-17 Budget Process

This year Sayville School District is beginning its budget process on a positive note.

While we are still faced with the fiscal challenges imposed by New York State’s 2% property tax levy cap, the GEA, and insufficient State Aid, Sayville continues to offer its students educational opportunities through prudent fiscal management. 

What can be found in Draft I of the 2016-2017 Proposed Budget that was presented to the public at the February 4th Board of Education Meeting was how we are doing this.


  • The results of our long-term prudent fiscal planning and budgetary savings from our Energy Performance Contract have paid off. We are seeing a reduction in our utility costs totaling $249,600;
  •  Passing the $19.2m Bond last May will allow the district to make necessary facilities upgrades with a reduction in the Debt Service. As the old Debt Service expires and the new one begins, the District will have a savings of $333,632 in the 2016-2017 school year;
  • Changes in BOCES billing methods for students enrolled in vocational programs, along with in-district retirements, will save the district a combined total of approximately $450,000;
  • In addition to other fiscal-management initiatives within Sayville, the annual rates for the ERS and TRS are finally decreasing with a budgetary saving of approximately $472,000, which significantly eases the burden to the District of these legacy costs mandated by state legislation. 


  • State Aid shows an increase of $959,978.
  • This increase, as provided in the Governor’s 2016-17 Executive Budget, did not restore 100% of the GEA Adjustment as originally promised. Only 30%, or $537,719, of the $1,755,915 GEA was restored. At this juncture, Sayville is still owed $1,218,196.

Although Draft I of the 2016-2017 Proposed Budget shows a proposed budget increase of 0.8%, it has 0% tax rate. Still, over the next several months, the District and the Board of Education will continue to examine and discuss ways to reduce costs and repurpose or re-appropriate existing resources.


For purposes of calculating the 2016-17 Property Tax Levy Cap, the December 2015 CPI was ‘0.12%:’
  • Based on the current financial data in place, and coupled with the 2016-17 projected tax levy, the calculated Tax Levy Limit is minus .70%. Therefore, the District must bring the Tax Levy down to -.70% from the current school year;
  • This will require either additional revenues of $407,690, or a reduction in budgetary appropriations – or a combination of the two.


Challenges lie ahead, but Sayville is looking forward to enhancing educational opportunities for students, controlling costs, and proposing to provide the community with a property TAX REDUCTION for the 2016-17 school year.  

Intro to 2016 2017 Proposed Budget  Feb 4 2016 BOE meeting
2016-2017 Proposed Budget Feb 11 Presentation
2016-2017 Proposed Budget March 3 Presentation

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