Updates for Summer Capital Projects July 2018
Some Sayville School District capital project work will take place at all of our buildings over the summer months.
While the Sayville School District is currently in the last phase of completing the 2015 Bond Referendum projects, the District has faced numerous challenges with the Bond Referendum due to the State Education Department’s lack of staffing and delays in project approvals. However, the District continues to manage the projects aggressively and reduce costs when appropriate.
Although originally, the bids for the projects that are to begin in the summer months came in unreasonably high, the District pursued other cooperative bids and rebids to save approximately $200,000. As we move forward, we will continue to be extremely diligent in completing the projects.
Specifically, the following projects will be underway:
1. We will commence the HS Library Alteration Project. A temporary Library will be set up in the large band room. We anticipate having this project completed by the end of December 2018.
2. We will be replacing the HS gym floor. Work should commence by the last week in July and be completed by August 24th.
3. MS kitchen alterations and renovations will begin. This will involve demo and reconstruction of walls, along with the installation of new serving lines and new equipment. This project is expected to be completed by the start of school in September.
4. Lincoln Avenue Kitchen Alteration Project - entire kitchen will be demoed, new equipment provided and a new serving line installed. Completed by the start of the school year.
5. Sunrise Drive Kitchen Alteration Project - entire Kitchen will be demoed, new equipment provided and a new serving line installed. Completed by the start of the school year.
6. Cherry Avenue Kitchen Alteration Project - entire Kitchen will be demoed, new equipment provided and new serving line. Completed by the start of the school year.