Jillian Makris, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
Jillian Makris
Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
(631) 244-6505
Twitter: @SayvilleStrides
Instagram: @sayvillestrides
Mrs. Makris
I am so grateful to have spent the last nineteen years of my career serving the students, faculty and community of Sayville Public Schools. As a former teacher and assistant principal at Sayville High School, working with our student body has energized me to be the best possible educator I can be.
Additionally, I have enjoyed the last five years of this journey on a district-wide scale working at District Office. In partnership with school personnel and the community, I remain dedicated to ensuring the wellness of the student body while equipping them for success.
The Office of Pupil Personnel Services is one of the more diversified programs in the school district. In addition to the various departments (i.e. Pupil Personnel & Guidance Departments) which operate under the umbrella of PPS, the office is responsible for character education, mental health protocols, DASA guidelines, ENL, student registration, monitoring of student attendance, district census and demographics, homebound instruction, home schooling, private schools, CPS and McKinney Vento regulations. If I can be of any assistance regarding the above stated services, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.