5/25/21 Community Wellness Resource Night
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Please see the above flyer about our Community Wellness Resource Night that we will host via Zoom on Tuesday, May 25th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The live ZOOM information and link is at the bottom of the flyer. All are welcome!
Local agencies will share with our staff and families the services available to them. To date, we have the following agencies attending:
- Office of Mental Health
- Family Service League
- Catholic Charities
- SBU: Child Psychiatry Outpatient
- Association for Mental Wellness
- Eastern Coalition of LI-Project Hope/VIBS
- Northwell
- Long Island Coalition Against Bullying
Many of these agencies encompass a variety of services. The format of the night will be that each agency will present for approximately five minutes about the services they offer. After each agency is done presenting, we will set up break out rooms for the participants. People will be able to choose which breakout room they would like to visit for more information.