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Registration Requirements

Registration of New Students  

Students who will be entering Sayville Schools for the first time in September must be registered prior to the opening of school. Early registration results in better planning in regard to your child's program and the balancing of class sizes. All families new to the school district or re-entering the district are required to register their children at the Student Services Office at District Office located at 99 Greeley Avenue, Sayville. 

To register, the following items are required

1. documenation of transfer from previous school district
2. latest report card
3. original birth certificate
4. immunization record
5. verification of residence such as mortgage agreement, tax bill or lease - utility bills are NOT accepted 
6. proof of custody

For kindergarten registration, parents/guardians are required to bring proof of the child's age. Additionally, students, upon enrolling in Sayville Public Schools for the first time, will be required to present a written record of immunization in accordance with Public Health Law 2164. 

Prior to making an appointment for registration with Joan Brand via telephone (631) 244-6505 at the Student Services Office, please print out the attachments below and fill them out. To see all twelve attachments you must click the view all button. Bring all completed forms with supporting documentation to your appointment.  

Note: The Home Language Questionnaire can be found in forty-one different languages on the State Website at the following link: Home Language Form