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District SEL Vision

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Social Emotional Learning Vision Statement 

"Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story." 
                                                              - Josh Shipp 


Sayville Public Schools is a district that partners with the community and its families to help children


  • Appreciate differences and show empathy for others, thereby, developing positive relationships

  • Identify and solve problems through effective communication

  • Build healthy self-esteem, resiliency and coping skills

  • Set realistic and individualized goals for success

In order to support the goals outlined above, Sayville Schools adopted the mantra of SAYVILLE STRIDES. STRIDES is a wellness program focused on helping students succeed in life by developing healthy skills to cope with life and life's challenges. The program emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive and strong relationships. Overall, our message is centered around kindness and compassion for others. As a united community, with all stakeholders involved, we will strive to be the best we can be! We will teach, support and encourage our students to exhibit the following qualities which are integral to their personal happiness and success: 


S elf-esteem
T rust 
R esilience
I  ndependence 
D iversity
E mpathy
S trength


Below, please see the original letter that was sent home to parents/guardians about the rollout of STRIDES during the 2019-2020 school year.