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December 15, 2023 BOE Citations

Before the meeting began, the high school's Jazz Choir performed holiday tunes for attendees. The Jazz Choir also performed the National Anthem to open the meeting. 

NYSBDA Festival


NYSBDA Festival Citations


Pictured is BOE Trustee Carl Cangelosi, James Regan, Kathryn VanBoxel, Eric Dong, Shannon Conefry and Sayville Music Department Chairperson Ari Kramer. (Not available for photo were Andrew Faraci, Jeanette Cestare, and William Blanco).

These students were recognized for their selection into the New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) Festival. 


NYSCAME Festival


NYSCAME Festival


Pictured are BOE Trustee Carl Cangelosi, Vincent Fontanetta, Christian Buono, Kathryn Van Boxel, Alessandra Burke, Christopher Costa, Brandan Mazzullo, Harper DeVerna, Meredith Albertelli and Music Department Chairperson Ari Kramer. (Not available for photo were Jake Maksimiak and Andrew Faraci.)

These students were recognized for their selection into the New York State Council of Administrators of Music Education (NYSCAME) Festival. 


LISFA Performing Group




Pictured is BOE Trustee Dr. James Bertsch, Annabella Hart, Emma Burns, Meredith Albertelli, Christopher Larkin and Music Department Chairperson Ari Kramer. (Not available for photo were Ella Trama, Millie Valenti, and Jane Southworth.)

These students were recognized for their selection into the Long Island String Festival Association's (LISFA) Performing Group. 


All-County Jazz Ensemble 


Students selected onto the All County Jazz Ensemble


Pictured is BOE Trustee Dr. James Bertsch, Aaron Sacks, William Mitchell, Harper DeVerna, Brandan Mazzullo, Eric Dong and Music Department Chairperson Ari Kramer. (Not available for photo was William Blanco).

These students were recognized for their selection into the All-County Jazz Ensemble.