February 15, 2024 BOE Citations
February 15, 2024 BOE Citations
Future City International S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Competition
Middle school students were recognized for participating in the Future City S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Competition.
Pictured is Sayville Middle School Principal Dr. Joseph Castoro, Middle School Technology Teacher Mr. Jeffrey Goodman, Alexa Yacono, Angela Liselli, Samantha Graziano, Jack Bombara, Eric Dong, Gavin Walsh, Chris Powers, BOE Vice President Kelly Sack, and Middle School Science Teacher Ms. Lindsey Loscalzo.
(Not available for picture; Jayden Aurelio)
Long Island Regional Quiz Bowl
Middle school students were recognized for competing in the Long Island Regional Quiz Bowl at Brookhaven National Lab.
Pictured is Middle School Principal Dr. Joseph Castoro, Middle School Technology Teacher Mr. Jeffrey Goodman, Alexa Yacono, Angela Liselli, Samantha Graziano, Eric Dong, Chris Powers, Middle School Science Teacher Ms. Lindsey Loscalzo, and BOE Vice President Kelly Sack.
Staff Recognition
Teachers from Sayville Middle School were recognized for presenting at the NYS Middle School Association Regional Conference.
Pictured is Middle School Principal Dr. Joseph Castoro, Ms. Jessica Ciardullo, Ms. Melissa Lane, Ms. Kim Pacia, Ms. Jamie Termotto, and BOE Vice President Kelly Sack.