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First Day of School 2023-2024 School Year

Happy First Day of School!


Four Lincoln Avenue students on the first day of school 2023.

September 7, 2023

To see all of the photos in a downloadable format please click here!

Sayville Public Schools students returned to the classroom on Thursday September 7, for their first day of the 2023-2024 school year.

Despite the hot temperatures, students returned ready to learn with smiles on their faces.



Today marked our first day of school and it was a GREAT success!  The energy was palpable at every building as our students poured in from all over Sayville.

Was it hot outside?  YES, VERY HOT!!!   Did it melt our excitement about seeing your children?  NO WAY!!!!!!!  Our students are now safe and sound inside their classrooms, getting to know their teachers and preparing for a wonderful school year focused on CARING and LEARNING!!!!

Our elementary students were greeted by their favorite mascots, smiling teachers, and very excited principals.  At the secondary level, students greeted each other, their teachers, and principals with warm smiles, a few waves, and the all too familiar head nods that we are accustomed to from our teenage pupils.

I want to take a moment to thank and recognize all of our staff members, teachers, aides, monitors, nurses, clericals, security guards, and computer technicians who worked tirelessly to prepare for and welcome our students with such dedication and enthusiasm. THANK YOU!!To our Sayville families, THANK YOU for your support and for allowing us the opportunity to work with your children. I wish all of you a wonderful start to the new school year!! 

Seeing Double

The eleven sets of twins in Sayville High School

This year's Senior Class boasts eleven sets of twins!

The twins from the Sayville High School Class of 2024 are:


Daniel and Joseph Blanco
Abigail and Charles Breen
John and Sophia Criscuola
Angelina and Thomas DeVito
Lindsay and Thomas DiMenna
Colleen and Robert Doyle
Isabella and Olivia Gerena
Caleigh and Elizabeth Mansfield
Eilise and James Marino
Aiden and Ella Mesi
Aislinn and Erin Parrott