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2017 National Junior Honor Society Induction

Celebrating its thirty-second induction ceremony, the Sayville Middle School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society recognized the achievements of seventy-eight Middle School students.


The NJHS is the leading organization that recognizes exceptional middle-level students who have successfully demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character throughout their Middle School years. In addition to demonstrating these exemplary qualities, each student had to maintain an average of 95 or above for four quarters and was required to submit a letter of application.

The Sayville Middle School inductees and their families were welcomed to the evening ceremony by NJHS advisor Mrs. Lloyd-Matthews and Middle School Principal Thomas Murray while the current society members assisted with the traditional proceedings. After the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alex Petruzzelli, select NJHS members enumerated one-by-one the five attributes necessary to qualify for the induction:  Michaela Re read about scholarship, Conor McGrath explained service, Chris Zender described leadership, Laniee Buck defined character, and Kaitlyn Menze clarified citizenship, while Jordan Milo lit the corresponding (electric) candle.

In addition NJHS members Hannah Blaskiewicz, Corinne Entenberg, Sarah Gover, Dominique Rinaldi, Elizabeth White, and Elizabeth Yoskowitz called each inductee by name in alphabetical order to take the stage and receive their award certificates and handshakes from Mr. Murray and Mrs. Lloyd-Matthews.

After the certificates were awarded, current NJHS member Angela Keane led the inductees in the NJHS Pledge.

Closing the ceremony with parting words, both Mrs. Lloyd-Matthews and Mr. Murray expressed their confidence in the inductees’ ability to maintain their academic standing and be engaged in community-service projects or activities throughout the school year. Congratulations to the following students (see list below).


 7th Grade National Junior Honor Society Members


Michael                 Argenziano

Callaghan               Babcock

Noelle                   Bartolotta

Zachary                 Beach

Annie                     Bench

Joseph                  Benedetto

Matthew               Bonfanti

Elizabeth              Bossert

Kate                      Cassidy       

Miles                     Cataldo

Molly                     Clark

Keira                     Collins

Evan                      Como

John                      Corcoran

Brooke                  Dubay

Ava                       Eriksen

Samantha              Ferrara

Patrick                  Folks

Madison                 Galaris

Brett                    Geffner

Colin                      Gover

Caroline                 Gozaloff

Ava                       Gross

Sarah                    Hinteman

Jose                      Jaimes

Kayla                     Kane

Eva                       Kosak

Katrina                  Kranzle

William                  Kretz

Thomas                  Liguori

Devin                    Lillis

Brigid                    Manning

Olivia                    Massey

Elisa                      McGuinness

Riley                      Mercorella

Anthony                 Mesi

Jordan                  Messina

Catherine              Meyers

Gabriela                 Meza

Cecelia                  Micelli

Chad                      Moccio

Maggie                  Mongiello

Joseph                  Moosa

Rylie                      Mullaney

Miikka                   Nelson

Sarah                    Newman

Daniel                    O’Doherty

Kerry                    O’Donoghue

Anthoula                Paloubis

Alayna                   Pavao

Andrew                 Person

Jack                      Quinlan

Gianna                   Racanelli

Christopher           Racioppi

Jude                     Ramsaywak

Sarah                    Ramsundar

Allison                   Reilly

Olivia                     Reiss 

Angelina                Sagginario

Sophia                   Sanchez

Kathryn                 Schroeder

Swati                    Sheth

Reese                    Skelly

Shayla                   Smith

Samuel                  Smith

William                  Streek

Kristin                  Vahle

Sam                       Verdone

Juliet                    Wessels

Brooke                  Wilkens


Natasha                Yajadda


 8th Grade National Junior Honor Society Members

Rhyan                    Christiansen

Jenna                    Guerra

Ashley                   Luffman

Linda                     McAuliff

Nicole                    Moccio

Emily                     Steffens

Samantha              Young