Achieving Fundraising Goals for CDKL5
As a Fundraiser for CDKL5, First Annual Students-Vs-Teachers Hockey Game Achieves Goals
Sayville High School’s First Annual Hockey Tournament to fund CDKL5 Research had several basic requirements—first: that students preregister as a team of five players and one goalie at a cost of $25 per team; second: that all the proceeds would go to CDKL5; third: that only one winning team from the playoffs would compete with the Teacher Team; and fourth: everyone should have fun.
The fun began Tuesday evening during the elimination round. Eight student hockey teams* contended for the one spot that would pit them against the faculty team. After two hours of play, the five players and one goalie from The Dirty Apes earned the spot as the top-rated student team. Wednesday afternoon The Dirty Apes (John Siderina, Matt Pacholic, Collin Ewald, Mike Dionisio, Ryan Alexandersen, and Connor Granville) would meet the Teacher Team (Ari Kramer, Mike Guercio, Reid Sands, Steve Aronsen, John Verschure, Jimmy Elder from HS Security, Gary Jensen (elementary school) and High School Principal Ron Hoffer ) in the Hockey Tournament showdown.
Sayville High School’s Student Government Advisor Katherine Van Dorn reported that the entire “building was buzzing all day Wednesday in anticipation of the big game. The Dirty Apes played the Teacher Team at tenth period.” Before an enthusiastic crowd of more than one hundred yelling spectators, the two teams met the challenge in a fast-paced and exciting game—a “barn burner” in hockey lingo. The noise from the bleachers was deafening as fans rooted for their teachers or their friends. In overtime, the student team beat the teachers with a 6-5 score that had everyone shouting in excitement.
“Along with the team donations,” Ms. Van Dorn announced, “we raised $225 for CDKL5.” The First Annual Hockey Tournament achieved all its goals, including having fun. Ms. Van Dorn was delighted to add that the “underclassmen are excited for next year!”
*Student Teams that competed:
- - Blue, girls team
- - Fhockers, a girls team of field hockey players
- - Luna, mixed girls and guys team
- - The Dirty Apes, boys team
- - Steve’s Wings Reviews, boys team
- - Dirty Mike and the Boys, boys team
- - Peaches and Cream, boys team
- - Cory Cutrone’s, boys team