Breakfast Sandwich Day!
Who can resist the smell of bacon? At least fifty Sayville Middle School students and staff members found it difficult.
The students from the functional academics program had been routinely cooking up a storm in the PAES Lab at Sayville Middle school to acquire real-life experiences. The aroma of their successes—especially their eggs and bacon sandwiches—had proven so enticing to the neighboring classrooms throughout the building that it prompted other staff and students to joke about getting samples.
As the saying goes “truer things are said in jest.” Realizing there was an opportunity to satisfy eager consumers, both Mrs. McLary and Mrs. Maggio-Straub joined their students from Speech and Language Class and the functional academics program in a collaboration to make it happen. They would hold Breakfast Sandwich Day.
Setting up the kitchen for assembly-line production required preplanning with all the ingredients* of bacon, eggs, cheese and hot sauce. The students took the orders and were coached to say “Good morning! Here’s your breakfast sandwich,” when making their deliveries. This was all part of the full learning experience.
Mrs. Hawthorn, the District’s behavior consultant, along with SRPs Mrs. Diane Lynch and Mrs. Christine Sirico helped Mrs. McLary make over fifty bacon-egg-cheese sandwiches that morning.
“Orders for breakfast sandwiches were taken,” a tireless Mrs. McLary summarized the involved process. “Food was cooked, sandwiches were assembled; students made change and delivered sandwiches to staff and other employees. The morning was a big success and the students enjoyed this learning experience. Staff raved about how delicious the sandwiches were and how polite the students were who delivered them.” After it was all done, the students who worked so hard on the project enjoyed a treat of bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches. How could they resist?
*Special thanks for the assistance of Social worker Toni Fabian and Special Ed teacher Mary Pat Holler. Through their leadership, the Sunrise Drive’s Student Council was able to give their support for a “local” worthy cause by subsidizing the supplies.