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Earth Day Inspirations in Sayville Schools

Earth Day 2017 in Sayville Schools

  • Buttoning Up An Art Project for Earth Day  - Cherry Avenue Elementary school art teacher Robin Laxton ‘repurposed’ an Art Advertising project for her students. She asked them to create customized buttons for Earth Day. Her fifth grade students designed buttons with Earth Day symbols and sayings to spread the word and awareness about protecting our environment.

  • Earth Day Awareness at Sunrise in Sayville Denise Philp, second-grade teacher at Sunrise Drive Elementary, organized a variety of activities to help her students become Earth-Day aware:

 See photos below:  

Photo SD6 Each year Ms Denise Philp’s second grade students plant seeds and grow flowers for the school courtyard.

Photo SD5 The Sayville students like helping the birds in the school courtyard stay healthy throughout the year. Ms Philp’s students regularly replenish the birdseed and enjoy watching through their classroom windows while the birds feed. 

Photo SD4  In the cafeteria, all the students sort our trash into bins.  One bin holds trash, one holds plastic/glass, and the other is for compost.  

Photo SD3  Throughout the year  the Sunrise Drive  elementary students in Sayville recycle plastic bottles.  A custodian in Sunrise Drive then brings them to a facility, collects the refund money, and donates it to a special cause.   

Photo SD2  Every Sunrise Drive classroom has a paper recycle bin where the Sayville elementary students collect paper to be recycled. 

Photo SD1  Sayville School district has installed water fountains that allow students to fill up reusable containers!  In Sunrise Drive elementary school, these fountains were installed just this year and one fountain has refilled 1,658 bottles so far!  The students save the Earth by reusing and refilling their own bottles!

  • "Poster" Children for Earth Day Contest To bring about awareness for Earth Day, Lincoln Avenue elementary art teacher Richard Michaels encouraged his students to create posters for the 2017 New York State Senate Earth Day Poster Contest. Each Lincoln Avenue participant received a certificate thanking them for their wonderful ideas.

  • Earth Day in the Bag for First Graders - All the Sunrise Drive First Graders decorated paper shopping bags for Stop'N Shop shoppers and distributed them in the store on Earth Day!

  • EARTH DAY RE-CREATIONS - Using recycled materials to make a piece of artwork Sayville High School art students in all of Mr. Evan Hammer classes rose to the challenge. While the poet Joyce Kilmer writes “Only God can make a tree,” AP Studio Art student Megan MacFarlane (above Headline Image) did a pretty good job “replicating” a tree with puzzle pieces. Sayville High School Art Studio Art student Steven Devery (see photo below) made a sculpture out of water bottles.

  •  In Sayville High School, Art Students dressed UPcycle for Earth Day

Art Teacher and Department Chair Deb Urso challenged her Advanced Fashion class to Hand-me-Down—Reuse, Upcycle*  by coming up with a new use for an old garment.  (“Upcycle” refers to the reuse of discarded objects or material in such a way as to create a product of a higher quality or value than the original.)

For Spring Recess, the Fashion class, comprised of mixed grades 10-12, was assigned the task of finding something to upcycle. The students could pick a piece of clothing from their closets that would “end up in the trash because it no longer fit or was out of style.” They could rummage through their family attics or basements for discarded clothes headed to the thrift shops or even purchase an item they wouldn't wear “as is” and upcycle it to something they could use.  Once they returned from the holiday break, the students spent several days in the classroom reworking the garments. They cut, dyed, stained, embroidered, pinned, and sewed their pieces into a new wearable outfit.  “Some students made bags, tops, dresses, and altered jean shorts,” Ms Urso said. “Some students experimented with chemicals such as bleach and dyes incorporating steam into our curriculum.  Others were influenced by old genres to create something new with an 80s/90s flair.”


Ms Urso was pleased to add that her students “worked closely together and helped one another by teaching each other new techniques that they have learned.  It was great to see a buzz in the room; the girls were having fittings and pinning on each other.  One student expressed: ‘I feel like a celebrity, she is designing clothes for me.’”  Impressed by her students’ designs Ms Urso praised then with the reminder “when you become famous designers, never forget where your inspiration started—in  little Sayville High School Fashion Class for Earth Day!”

Cherry Avenue Button Campaign
Shopping bags decorated by SD First Graders
Lincoln Avenue Poster art students with Mr. Michaels
Cute as Buttons at Cherry