Certificates for 2016 Breakfast Champion Nominees
Kelsey Alber nominated by Mr. Gittler
Kelsey Alber is so quiet and unassuming, it might be possible to miss the brilliant star she is. Having Kelsey for a second straight year in AP Physics, I almost take for granted how lucky I am to have someone so committed to learning, so willing to do the hard work necessary to excel, so willing to be fully responsible to her classmates, and to see every day a person so humble about her extraordinary talent.
Did I mention that Kelsey is the lone female in a class of 20? That alone makes her deserving of “The All-Time Patience Award.”
Finally, did I mention that, most importantly of all, Kelsey is the nicest person you could ever hope to meet? Congratulations, Kelsey. You are a true champion.
Mary Cascio nominated by Mr. Hammer
It is my honor to nominate Mary
Cascio as my “Champion.” Mary is the
complete package! She is an extremely
creative artist, a conscientious learner, and thoughtful individual. As a student enrolled in my Advanced
Placement Studio in Art for the 2nd year she has repeatedly gone
above and beyond. Her commitment to her
passions is clearly evident with the awards and honors she has received. One look at her activity sheet, class
ranking, or her outstanding portfolio and it is obvious this is a student who
cares. Now in her senior year she has
been nominated as an “Art Club Ambassador” because of her dedication and
leadership abilities. She has spent
countless hours donating her time to events like the Empty Bowls Fundraiser,
Every Child’s Dream, and Band Night.
After 4 years as my student, I can honestly say, her presence will be
sorely missed.
Mary Cascio nominated by Ms. Thelian
Statistics indicate fifty-six percent of all AP test takers in 2011 were women, but only 19 percent of the AP Computer Science test takers were girls. Mary is currently defying the stats and is taking AP Computer Science A. She is one of only three girls in the class and for many girls, this may have been intimidating. Not for Mary! She actually seemed unaffected by it! Her confidence, intelligence and willingness to challenge the “norm” for computer science is truly a testament of her strength and character. I am already very proud of her accomplishments and look forward to her continued success in a challenging course.
Steven joined my 9th grade Honors English class three weeks into the school year because he wanted to challenge himself. Steven’s perseverance and dedication have exceeded my expectations since his first day. It is obvious that Steven genuinely cares about his success because he is always engaged in the lesson. Most importantly, Steven is a student with good character. He is respectful, kind, considerate, and open to hearing others’ ideas. Steven’s modesty is his most commendable quality. He deserves to be recognized for all his hard work and effort. I am glad that he made the choice to join the class because he is a positive addition and a pleasure to teach.
Shaun Gibbons nominated by Ms. Galea
I have nominated Shaun because of his wonderfully positive attitude. He comes to class every day smiling and ready to learn. During class work I often hear Shaun quietly explaining or discussing questions with his classmates. He is kind and always happy to help others. Additionally, Shaun always celebrates the success of others. Shaun is very motivated and involved in class each day. Thank you for being a great part of class.
Julia Intermesoli nominated by Ms. Trpicovsky
Julia has gone above and beyond to help her peers in and out of the classroom. She serves as a peer role model by facilitating friendships and volunteering at the school store by assisting the FACD program students. She partners with the FACD program students in outside school events as well. Julia makes it her goal every day to help spread kindness and foster social interactions with all her peers. She wants everyone to be part of a community that respects and treats one another with love and compassion.
Providence Kempf nominated by Ms. Mattimore
Providence is a bright light in my day. She has an admirable work ethic. She comes to class prepared every day, eager to learn, and with great questions. Prov goes above and beyond in order to meet with success. When she is absent, she goes online and watches a video of the lesson she has missed so she is not behind when she returns to school. She comes 10th period when she feels she needs extra help, or will come to see me during her study hall to work with me one on one. Despite math not being her favorite subject, she perseveres. Prov is upbeat, positive and a true pleasure. I am very lucky to have her in my class, and we are lucky to have her in our school. It is my privilege to honor Providence Kempf.
Kathryn Kolar nominated by Ms. Galea
I have nominated Katie because of her kindness and positive influence in class. She always does the right thing and puts great effort into her work. There has not been a day since the first day of school that Katie does not put her focus and energy into learning. Katie is encouraging and helpful to her classmates. When she is working with her classmates, she motivates the group to work together and complete the task. She comes to class each day motivated and tries her best. Thank you for being such a great presence in our class.
Alexa Laskowitz nominated by Ms. Alcabes
One day, Alexa came into the Main Office stating that she found $50.00. She was very concerned that someone lost this money and was looking for it; she wanted to find the person who it belonged to. In today’s world many people would have slipped that $50.00 into their pocket/purse. I am very proud of Alexa and her honesty. Alexa is a genuine and sincere young lady who we are proud to have in our building. Additionally, Alexa exhibits a positive attitude which is obvious to all who she comes in contact with.
Claudia Lynch nominated by Ms. Stewart
Claudia has set her sights high this year! She actually added Marine Science to her schedule because she didn’t want a study hall, she wanted to push herself and take another academic class. Well, push herself she did! Claudia received a perfect average for the first marking period, 100%, not a 99.5 rounded up, but PERFECT on everything! WOW! Claudia what an awesome example of what hard work and dedication can do. You will continue to succeed in all aspects of life with your dedication to being the best you can be! Thank you for always smiling and being anxious to learn something new every day, you rock!
Olivia Lynch nominated by Ms. Stewart
Olivia is a perfect example of a student who very quietly “gets the job done.” During a lesson she is a dream student who listens, processes, and comprehends. I have come to realize that often times she uses her art talent to keep her focused, a beautiful example of how every student learns differently and that she has found what works for her. By receiving a grade of 100% on two unit exams, Olivia has exhibited an exceptional understanding of Earth Science. She is focused, productive, and a perfect role model during lab activities. Thank you Olivia for being YOU! You rock!
Megan McElroy nominated by Mr. Kramer
Megan is truly dedicated to all that she does, and commits herself to everything she begins, delicately walking the tight-rope between doing everything well, and spreading herself too thin. Megan, not by luck, has done everything well. From being a member of the string ensemble, chamber orchestra, pit orchestra and symphonic orchestra, to being our lead violinist in the Sayville quartet, even playing here this morning. Her talents are not what landed her as a member of this elite group of students here this morning though. Her dedication to the betterment of the High School String Program is. Megan, selflessly joined the Concert Orchestra. It is our non-audition based orchestra. Megan could easily focus on her own work and sit as Concert Mistress of this group. Instead, she decides to sit in the middle of the second violin section, working with our younger musicians to help them grow and succeed. She tirelessly helps them perform passages they are unable to perform, strictly for their betterment. This is how her character has been revealed, and the reason I have nominated Megan for this prestigious honor.
Brenna Marshall nominated by Mr. Dillon
While Brenna is excellent in the classroom; she is brilliant outside of it. Brenna possesses an inimitable personal style; moored to her deep fascination and appreciation for everyone she meets. She has an open mind and heart and her loving generosity of spirit distinguishes her in any crowd of students. She is a beacon of caring and acceptance for many people and her presence makes our school and community a more inclusive and comfortable place to live and learn. I am grateful for her generosity in sharing her gifts every time she enters my office.
Steven Montalto nominated by Mr. Adam Brown
I met Steven last year when he was a junior in Pre-Calculus. To say this young man is pretty good at math is equivalent to saying Babe Ruth was a pretty good baseball player. It is the ultimate understatement. Steven is gifted mathematically. His brilliance is recognized by his peers and marveled at by his teachers. He has a strong work ethic and always goes above and beyond to discover new ideas and uncover deeper understanding. But, this is not why he is being recognized today. It is Steven’s warm heart and genuine care for people that makes him a champion in my eyes. Never boastful and always willing to lend a hand or a drop of knowledge, Steven is respectful and has a great view of the big picture when so many people at his age only see what is directly in front of them. It has been an honor to work with him and there is no limit to what this fine young man will achieve in the future.
Steven Montalto nominated by Ms. Maria Brown (no relation)
Steven is well deserving of this award. He is a polite and bright young man who has the work ethic you wish every student would have. Steven arrived last year as a transfer student and has put his best foot forward to learn the scientific process, carry out a sophisticated research project and work at both Stony Brook University’s Worm Toxicology Lab and the RISE lab giving up part of his summer and after school hours. He worked very hard to catch up on three years of research experience so that he could submit his research to the Regeneron (formerly Intel) Science Talent Search as well as other varsity level competitions. This is a huge undertaking and deserves recognition. He is kind and helpful to other students and we are lucky to have him at Sayville High School and as part of the RISE Program.
Emily Osterloh nominated by Ms. Rizzo-Shore
Emily Osterloh is a young lady who is an active participant in many aspects of student life here at Sayville High School. Not only is she the Anchor Club President, but she is also very involved in the theater and music programs. Emily is an honor student with an outstanding work ethic, a school leader with a tremendous sense of responsibility, and most importantly a kind and compassionate young woman. Emily is the definition of a true champion and is very deserving of this award.
Serena Russo nominated by Ms. Backer
I am proud to nominate one of the most down to earth, hardworking and humble students I have known. Serena Russo is mature beyond her years. Throughout the past year we’ve worked on her college planning. Serena is one of those rare students that has looked at the big picture, taking into consideration not only the college programs & majors but the cost as well. Serena works diligently in the classroom & even harder serving up sandwiches at her job in town. Serena has earned this award due to her willingness to help others in a sincere, kind way. I am certain she will be successful in the future.
Gianna Scoleri nominated by Ms. Wittman
Words which come to mind that properly describe Sayville High School Senior, Gianna Scoleri: Conscientious, ambitious, mature, intuitive, mindful, compassionate, driven. I have had the pleasure of knowing Gianna since her freshman year; however, it wasn’t until last year, the close of her junior year that I truly understood this young woman. Gianna came to me with which to most would be a simple task – to edit a piece she composed for her English class. However, this wasn’t just any request, nor was it simply any piece – it was thought provoking, emotional, delicate and so very important to her and to all who would encounter her words. We lost someone very special to us last school year and Gianna’s piece served as a memoir to such a blessed colleague, teacher, friend. I was humbled by Gianna’s request, yet I couldn’t help to wonder why she asked me? So I inquired and Gianna responded, “Well, Witt, I know you were a former English Teacher , but more importantly I watched as you mourned and I felt you truly understood how special she was and that you would understand my words, thoughts, and feelings as well.” I did thoroughly understand and with both pride and difficulty, Gianna and I tackled this task…together. There is no doubt that Gianna Scoleri is a champion. More importantly, Gianna Scoleri is a young woman of real purpose, poise, and passion. I am thrilled to present this well-deserved recognition on her behalf.
Emma Vall nominated by Ms. Kahan
Emma’s dedication to students with special needs is an inspiration. She demonstrates an innate instinct to protect vulnerable students. She freely gives her time to help others in need, consistently showing kindness and patience. We are grateful for her commitment as a Peer Mentor and her compassion for all.
Alexa Villez nominated by Ms. Dashiell
Quietly determined and absolutely lovely, Alexa Villez is a model student and person. Last year, Alexa was in my English class, and as I watched her throughout the year, I marveled at her diligence and maturity. Each day in class, Alexa paid careful attention to whatever I discussed. Often while others just listened, Alexa would take her chromebook out and take notes as I made suggestions, especially about writing. If Alexa did not understand a concept or wanted to work more on her writing skills, she would come to extra help. In fact, she was probably my most regular “10th period” attendee. In group work, Alexa is a quiet leader. Her desire to work hard and complete tasks both motivates other students and keeps them focused. When others occasionally do less than they should, Alexa will shoulder the burden of the work, never complaining. I am proud to have taught Alexa, for she is an amazing person. I can hardly wait to see what she accomplishes in the future!