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Middle School English Teacher Lauren Cierski named ASSET Bright Light

ASSET Bright Light

Congratulations go to Middle School English Teacher Lauren Cierski, who was named as Sayville's ASSET Bright Light for the 2017 school year. 

Lauren Cierski has been an outstanding role model, forerunner, and leader for her colleagues in the area of instructional technology throughout the years. Technology is not just an added tool in her classroom, but an essential, seamless, and authentic part of her everyday teaching and learning practice, enhancing a student-centered/blended learning environment. She is the quintessential life-long learner; her enthusiasm and passion for bringing “cutting edge” technology to her students has helped pave the way for others.   

* Association of Suffolk Supervisors for Educational Technologies

Suffolk ASSET exists to enhance teaching and learning in Suffolk County, New York school districts through the use of computers and other educational technologies by encouraging the integration of technology into the K-12 curriculum and ensuring that our students are provided with the educational opportunities necessary to prepare them for the 21st century.