Police Officer Glen K. Pettit Memorial scholarship
Alexa Laskowitz
This scholarship is in remembrance of Police Officer Glen K.
Pettit, a local resident, who lost his life in the line of duty
on September 11, 2001.
The Police Officer Glen K.
Pettit Memorial scholarship for $1,500.00 is
awarded annually to applicants from the Sayville High School Senior
class who have exhibited qualities of character and service befitting the
memory of this 9-11 hero. Alexa Laskowitz (Class of 2017) is the 14th recipient to receive
this scholarship.
Photo: Award recipient Alexa Laskowitz (center), along with
her parents Jeffrey (far left) and Jolaine (right of
Alexa) are congratulated by Sayville Middle School teacher Tara
Felice (sister of Glen Pettit and High School Principal Ron Hoffer.