Activities at Cherry Avenue
Cherry Avenue students learn about Dental health with dentist Dr. Rahda Munk.
Cherry Avenue students learn about Dental health with dentist Dr. Rahda Munk.
Chromebook Insurance
The district has contracted with an insurance provider to provide affordable insurance coverage on district issued devices for Grades 6-12.
The Worth Avenue Group will protect our student assigned Chromebooks against accidental damage, cracked screens, liquid spills, liquid submersion, theft, fire or flood damage, vandalism, natural disasters, or a power surge.
A one-year policy for a Chromebook from the Worth Ave Group includes coverage for the following:
Accidental Damage (Drops & Spills)
Cracked Screen
Liquid Submersion
Fire, Flood & Natural Disaster
Power Surge by Lightning
Theft & Vandalism (*requires police report)
The cost of annual insurance is $55.00 (Please note: replacement Chromebook cost $320.00)
The enrollment period is August 21st – September 30th