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For National Bus Safety Week, Dr. Stimmel learns to drive a bus

Wheels On The Bus

From the Website of Bus Safety Week:  

  • National School Bus Safety Week is an active and evolving public education program and an excellent way for parents, students, teachers, motorists, school bus operators, school administrators, and other interested parties - to join forces and address the importance of school bus safety. Designed to promote school bus safety, school districts throughout the country observe School Bus Safety Week.


To commemorate National School Bus Safety Week, October 16th through October 20th, Suffolk Transportation Service offered Sayville School Superintendent Dr. John Stimmel the opportunity to drive one of the school buses in his district. After learning through a brief training session how to operate the vehicle, Dr. Stimmel enjoyed his hands-on experience driving a school bus in the high school bus loop. 

STS members present for this event were: Frank Klein, Robert Akerman, Thomas Smith, John Bratta, Linda Licata, Peter Pernesiglio, Ann Blomberg, Juanita Samuels, and Cindy Salvitt.

Photos and captions: After his bus-driving experience, Sayville School Superintendent Dr. John Stimmel first shook hands with his STS trainer Frank Klein. Later he thanked everyone present, particularly the drivers for their service to Sayville students.