HS Students Compete in Computer Science Programming Competition
For a second year, six Sayville High School students, juniors and seniors from both Mrs. Alison Galea’s and Mrs. Dawn Thelian’s AP Computer Science courses, volunteered to participate in the NY Regional High School Programming Competition held in May at St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue.
In addition to engaging in the challenging academic contests, the students had fun with the twenty-six other high schools and forty-eight teams in the competition. The Sayville High School teams did well. “We were very proud of their clever solutions to the challenging problems,” Galea and Thelian agreed.
Congratulations got to the following Sayville competitors: Reece Pena-12, Philip Rinaldi-12, Thomas Faughnan-12, Richard Cotes-12, Joshua Minutello-11, and Andrew Deutsch-11