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R.I.S.E. Tech Teams Receive High Honors


Research in Science and Engineering (R.I.S.E.) Technology teacher Rick Caskey reported that “two of Sayville’s four R.I.S.E. Tech teams who participated in the Long Island Science Congress have received High Honors for their project submissions and poster presentations.” 

  • Advanced Prosthetic Design-Focusing Finger Dexterity through Joint Enhancement project was submitted under the category of Biology/Medicine/Health and was an amazing team effort by Keira Mizzi (Grade 11) and Emily Parsowith (Grade 11) with the assistance of Brieanna Baldante (Grade 10). “The team had designed, coded and 3D printed a mechanical prosthetic hand that relied upon the use of ball joints to allow for better finger gripping and dexterity,” Mr. Caskey explained. “The team had also submitted and presented their poster at the NYIT Engineering Showcase where they received the NYIT Award for Excellence in Engineering.  The project research is still currently ongoing and will continue throughout the summer months.”
  • Geofencing Locations to Improve the Safety Outcomes of Individuals at risk of Elopement project was also submitted under the category of Biology/Medicine/Health by another remarkable team comprised of  Liam Davidson, Ihtesham Khan and Samir Patel (Grade 10). “The project focuses on reducing the risk of drowning deaths and missing persons,” Mr. Caskey said, “by developing a tracking device that communicates with family members immediately if the individual enters a boundary area marked off by a geofence. The team had enlisted the assistance of Dr. David Biersach from Brookhaven National Laboratory to aid in code development. In addition to their award they also received $100.00 each from three sub categories; Pediatric Society Award, Most Distinguished in Biology and Bio Medical and the LISC Award. The project research is still currently ongoing and will continue throughout the summer months.”