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2018 Halloween Window Painting

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You aren’t just seeing things….
Halloween-Themed Paintings Appeared on Storefront Windows



Treating Downtown Sayville to fanciful, colorful, and frightful Halloween illustrations, Sayville High School and Middle School Art students brought their paints, sponges, and brushes and shared their artistic compositions on select storefront windows.

The annual Halloween Window Painting, held on a brisk but sunny October 17 this year, has been a tradition for generations. Longer than anyone seems to remember, the partnership between the Kiwanis Club (with their donations of painting supplies) and the Sayville Art department (who matched the students’ artworks with participating merchants) have collaborated to mingle mystery and magic with imagination.  And just in time for Sayville’s Fall Festival and the Sayville Homecoming parade, the entire Sayville community strolling in or driving through downtown could enjoy the images of ghouls, goblins, and ghosts, designed by this year’s fresh talent of art students.