Cherry Avenue Believes in the Power of a Wish
In the Christmas Classic Miracle on 34th Street, Macy’s Department Store provided the backdrop for this heartwarming tale about the power of belief. Seventy-one years since the movie was produced, Macy’s, in conjunction with the Make-A-Wish foundation, still believes in making Christmas miracles happen.
“Every hour that Macy’s is open for business, more than three children are diagnosed with a critical illness. Each one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and joy,” their website states. That is why, ten years ago, Macy’s launched a “Letter to Santa—Believe” campaign, encouraging all to share their heartfelt wishes. For every letter received in either the Big Red Letterboxes at Macy’s, or sent online—see their website to write your own letter—Macy’s would donate $1 to Make-A-Wish.
At Cherry Avenue, Mrs. Geraldine Batterberry has spearheaded the letter-writing campaign for the entire school community. “I thought that if all the students and staff wrote letters at Cherry Avenue, we could help raise money and give some children the strength they need to fight their critical illnesses. It’s important for children to understand by doing even one small thing like this, they have the power to do something for someone else. I think we are the ones that receive a gift because of the feeling we get inside from helping others. I was so moved by a second grader Jess Eden from Mrs. Teufel’s class who came running up to me saying, ‘We just made the cards this morning to help make a wish for a sick child!’ You could see from her smile just how proud she was, and how good she felt about writing her Santa letter for the Make-A-Wish foundation.” While the hand-written Cherry Avenue Letters will be dropped off at Macy’s this weekend, some of the older students at Cherry submitted their letters online thanks to their Chrome Books!
From the Editor of the (fictitious) New York Sun, dated September 21, 1897: “Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.” Yes, Virginia, believe!
In the Christmas Classic Miracle on 34th Street, Macy’s Department Store provided the backdrop for this heartwarming tale about the power of belief. Seventy-one years since the movie was produced, Macy’s, in conjunction with the Make-A-Wish foundation, still believes in making Christmas miracles happen.
“Every hour that Macy’s is open for business, more than three children are diagnosed with a critical illness. Each one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and joy,” their website states. That is why, ten years ago, Macy’s launched a “Letter to Santa—Believe” campaign, encouraging all to share their heartfelt wishes. For every letter received in either the Big Red Letterboxes at Macy’s, or sent online—see their website to write your own letter—Macy’s would donate $1 to Make-A-Wish.
At Cherry Avenue, Mrs. Geraldine Batterberry has spearheaded the letter-writing campaign for the entire school community. “I thought that if all the students and staff wrote letters at Cherry Avenue, we could help raise money and give some children the strength they need to fight their critical illnesses. It’s important for children to understand by doing even one small thing like this, they have the power to do something for someone else. I think we are the ones that receive a gift because of the feeling we get inside from helping others. I was so moved by a second grader Jess Eden from Mrs. Teufel’s class who came running up to me saying, ‘We just made the cards this morning to help make a wish for a sick child!’ You could see from her smile just how proud she was, and how good she felt about writing her Santa letter for the Make-A-Wish foundation.” While the hand-written Cherry Avenue Letters will be dropped off at Macy’s this weekend, some of the older students at Cherry submitted their letters online thanks to their Chrome Books!
From the Editor of the (fictitious) New York Sun, dated September 21, 1897: “Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.” Yes, Virginia, believe!