HOMECOMING 2018 A Tale of Four Cities
For full display of the Homecoming Parade photos go to:Homecoming 2018 Photo Album
The Sayville Homecoming Parade sailed down Main Street in enthusiastic fanfare. Leading the way, the Sayville Fire Department truck rolled slowly through town, followed by members holding banners for the Rotary Club, the Sayville Teachers Association, and the Sayville Middle School, while squads of chanting cheerleaders from the High School and Middle School enlivened the crowds. Youth groups from both football and cheerleading accompanied by their coaches joined the march ahead of the parade’s main attraction—the class floats.
As both the culminating activity of High School Spirit Week and the pregame celebration for the Sayville Flashes football game against East Islip on their home field, the Homecoming Parade showcased this year’s theme: “Cities.” Colorful and ingenious floats, constructed out of wood and tissue-paper, depicted London, UK (Freshmen), Mexico City (Sophomores), and New York City (Juniors). However, the Seniors went for the Big Easy with gusto and showed extra carnival spirit by making three floats for their pick--New Orleans—including one for Jazz musicians playing The Saints Go Marching In and another designed coincidentally as…a streetcar named Desire.
“Spirit Week went well,” said School Government Advisor Kathy Van Dorn. “It was a high-spirited, high-energy week filled with a lot of fun, with the seniors always in the lead.” Throughout the week, students participated in the daily themes (Monday – Hawaiian Day, Tuesday - Jersey Day, Wednesday - Patriotic Day, Thursday - Hippie Day, Friday - Purple and gold), and every day, the social studies teachers recorded on tally sheets how much spirit each grade demonstrated. At tenth period, the tallies were collected by the Student Government and later charted for all to see.
To motivate them during their week-long campaigns, each class also chose a favorite charity and raised both awareness and funds during the football game. The "New Or-linz" Seniors, under class advisors Doug Shaw and Stephanie Flynn, chose Save the Great South Bay; The “New Yawker” Juniors with class advisors Christian Dollar and Alison Galea sponsored St Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The Sophomores, assisted by advisors Lynn Perlin and Heather Methven, chose to represent Mexico City with an adorable Piñata and selected Friends of Sayville Education Foundation, while the Freshmen supported by advisors Kaytie Ferremi and Caitlin Morrell, looked across “the pond” to London for their inspiration and Suicide Prevention for their charity.
After an energizing pep rally on Friday, the final tally from School Spirit week was given to the judges from the Rotary Club during the Homecoming Game. Once the Rotary Club judges observed the class spirit, the floats and the skits and incorporated the week’s numbers into their final tally, they made the decision. First place went to the Seniors, Second place to the Sophomores, Third to the Juniors and Fourth to the Freshmen.
“Our Student Government was really happy with the outcome,” said Van Dorn. “President Jack Davis and Vice President Grace Aversano put a great deal of time and effort into the organization of the pep rally; With Superintendent Dr. John Stimmel and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Christine Criscione attending, it was a great success.”
Homecoming 2018 was a success on all counts. Congratulations go to all the classes for their spirited efforts and to the Flashes for winning the Homecoming game with a score of 20-0 against East Islip.