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Sayville's Club Fair

“Are You Going to Sayville’s Club Fair?”


The lyrics to the ballad Scarborough Fair asks a similar question, but thanks to a great deal of preplanning by volunteers from each of the thirty-one Sayville High School clubs, organizations and classes who prepared for the Second Annual High School Club fair, nearly all the High School students answered “yes.“

For a second year, the Sayville High School Student Government organized and ran a successful three-day Club Fair in early September. “We met August 29th and 30th,” said Student Government Advisor Katherine Van Dorn, “to paint the cafeteria windows so they would be ready for the opening of school.” Ms. Van Dorn observed great enthusiasm among the returning students who enjoyed “catching up with friends, listening to music and eating bagels, all while painting the windows. Their talent always amazes me and the finished windows look awesome!”  These students used their last days before school reopened to design colorful posters, prepare sign-up sheets, and produce informational leaflets for each of the particular clubs-classes, ensuring everything would be ready.

Under the direction of its President Jack Davis and Vice President Grace Aversano, the Second Annual Club Fair was held during all the lunch periods on September 12th through September 14th . “We were prepared for our fair,” Ms. Van Dorn announced proudly. “Each table had a representative to field questions and recruit new or returning members.” By the end of the fair, each club had “two or more pages of students’ names interested in joining up.”