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2019 High School Club Fair

Preparing for the Sayville High School Club Fair
Sayville Student Government Sponsors Third Annual High School Club Fair

High School Fair
Timing the annual High-School Club Fair is crucial to its success. Held at the beginning of the school year—this year during the week of September 10-12—it introduces all students to the twenty-seven Sayville High School clubs, organizations, and classes that will keep students involved in extracurricular classes and activities throughout the school year.

Preplanning for the Fair was done several weeks ahead, while the students were still on summer vacation.  Yet the response of the Student Government President Liam Cummings, club presidents and student volunteers who participated on August 28 in the preplanning stages to paint the café windows was impressive. “We began at 7:30 a.m. with bagels and music,” noted Student-Government Advisor Katherine Van Dorn, “and finished by 1:30 p.m.  Some students came before sports practice, some after, and some were here for the duration.  We had a great turn-out; it was fun and the windows look awesome.“   

During the two-day Club Fair, club/class representatives at each of the four lunch periods answered questions and promoted the club/class. In addition, colorful posters and informational flyers were available at the tables that lined the café hallway.

“It went really well,” Mrs. Van Dorn enthused. “Each club had a list with names of students looking to join."




To see many more photos, click on the High School Club Fair Photo Album

Sayville Student Government Sponsors Third Annual High School Club Fair

High School Fair
Timing the annual High-School Club Fair is crucial to its success. Held at the beginning of the school year—this year during the week of September 10-12—it introduces all students to the twenty-seven Sayville High School clubs, organizations, and classes that will keep students involved in extracurricular classes and activities throughout the school year.

Preplanning for the Fair was done several weeks ahead, while the students were still on summer vacation.  Yet the response of the Student Government President Liam Cummings, club presidents and student volunteers who participated on August 28 in the preplanning stages to paint the café windows was impressive. “We began at 7:30 a.m. with bagels and music,” noted Student-Government Advisor Katherine Van Dorn, “and finished by 1:30 p.m.  Some students came before sports practice, some after, and some were here for the duration.  We had a great turn-out; it was fun and the windows look awesome.“   

During the two-day Club Fair, club/class representatives at each of the four lunch periods answered questions and promoted the club/class. In addition, colorful posters and informational flyers were available at the tables that lined the café hallway.

“It went really well,” Mrs. Van Dorn enthused. “Each club had a list with names of students looking to join."




To see many more photos, click on the High School Club Fair Photo Album