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Animated by Sayville STRIDES--Literally!


Sayville High School Tech Students

Animated by STRIDES Initiative—Literally!

Sayville High School students in Mr. Cross’ Introduction to Computer Programming class put their coding lessons to good use. The students who have been learning ”Scratch,” along with other forms of programming, created short animations that depict the school district’s new social-and-emotional initiative, STRIDES—Self-esteem, Trust, Resiliency, Independence, Diversity, Empathy and Strength—the characteristics that are “integral to their personal happiness and success.”

As a way of promoting social-and-emotional wellness, Mr. Chad Cross adapted his classroom lessons and encouraged his students to focus on the STRIDES themes.  Cross was pleased with the overall results.  His students have systematically shown creativity and collaboration while “creating interactive stories, games, and animations.”

To view more photos and to see the ANIMATIONS, click on the PHOTO/VIDEO ALBUM LINK.


Sayville High School Tech Students

Animated by STRIDES Initiative—Literally!

Sayville High School students in Mr. Cross’ Introduction to Computer Programming class put their coding lessons to good use. The students who have been learning ”Scratch,” along with other forms of programming, created short animations that depict the school district’s new social-and-emotional initiative, STRIDES—Self-esteem, Trust, Resiliency, Independence, Diversity, Empathy and Strength—the characteristics that are “integral to their personal happiness and success.”

As a way of promoting social-and-emotional wellness, Mr. Chad Cross adapted his classroom lessons and encouraged his students to focus on the STRIDES themes.  Cross was pleased with the overall results.  His students have systematically shown creativity and collaboration while “creating interactive stories, games, and animations.”

To view more photos and to see the ANIMATIONS, click on the PHOTO/VIDEO ALBUM LINK.
