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Celebrating Good Character at the Inaugural LICAB Community-Leadership Award Ceremony in Sayville.

November 22, 2019.
Celebrating Good Character at the Inaugural LICAB Community-Leadership Award Ceremony in Sayville.

Sayville School District in a partnership with Long Island Coalition Against Bullying is joining the fight against bullying on Long Island with the LICAB Community-Leadership Award. Not only will this new program bring social-emotional awareness into schools, it will honor select students who show outstanding conduct in their daily lives.

Sayville’s Student Services Director Jillian Makris and LICAB Executive Director Joe Salamone launched this character recognition program for Sayville students, K-12, who “always do what is right with no expectation of reward.”  This is especially important in a society where “talent” often eclipses “character” for accolades.  

“Of course, there is a place for talent to be celebrated,” Mrs. Makris said at the first-ever Community Leadership Award ceremony, “…but sometimes what is not celebrated is character—making the right choice.” After mentioning one of her favorite quotes—talent is a gift, but character is a choice—to the students and their family members attending the celebration, Mrs. Makris acknowledged that the five students (one from each school) who were being honored have daily demonstrated those characteristics of compassion, kindness, empathy and integrity that earned them recognition. She thanked them for contributing to “the moral fabric” of each of their schools. She also thanked the parents “who have been instrumental as the most important people in your child’s life.”

Mr. Joe Salamone explained to the students and families the importance of offsetting the negative influences that sway behavior. “We wanted to give an award to students who are just getting up every day and doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.  Our [LICAB’s] primary goal is to combat bullying on Long Island and…good character contributes to the battling of bullying. If you have good character, you are more than likely not going to be a bully…you are more than likely going to be somebody who stands up for somebody who is being bullied, and those are the kind of characteristics we’re seeking to reward here.”

Mr. Salamone also admitted that upon reviewing the nominations, he was pleased to see how many more Sayville students in all the buildings qualified for the award. [The Awards will be distributed quarterly during the academic year to other students]. “The five that were chosen today,” Mr. Salamone continued, “were five of the best and the first to receive this award…. This is the inaugural distribution of these awards anywhere on Long Island.”

As the recipients were called up to receive their awards, they were congratulated by the faculty who nominated them along with Mr. Salomone who presented them with the framed certificate and a monetary prize.

Sayville School District is honored to be the inaugural district and thank Executive Director Joe Salamone along with LICAB organization for sponsoring this award that focuses on the unsung heroes in our daily lives.

To see all the photos from the event go to: First LICAB Community-Leadership Ceremony



Congratulations go to: 

Sanjeeda Rahman (HS) by Melissa Rizzo Shore; Matthew Campos (MS) by Tiffany Pontieri; Keira McCormack-Falk (Cherry) by Kate Enea; Kaycie Craver (Lincoln) by Mrs. Carlson; Emma Jaklitsch (Sunrise) by Dr. Foy

Celebrating Good Character at the Inaugural LICAB Community-Leadership Award Ceremony in Sayville.

Sayville School District in a partnership with Long Island Coalition Against Bullying is joining the fight against bullying on Long Island with the LICAB Community-Leadership Award. Not only will this new program bring social-emotional awareness into schools, it will honor select students who show outstanding conduct in their daily lives.

Sayville’s Student Services Director Jillian Makris and LICAB Executive Director Joe Salamone launched this character recognition program for Sayville students, K-12, who “always do what is right with no expectation of reward.”  This is especially important in a society where “talent” often eclipses “character” for accolades.  

“Of course, there is a place for talent to be celebrated,” Mrs. Makris said at the first-ever Community Leadership Award ceremony, “…but sometimes what is not celebrated is character—making the right choice.” After mentioning one of her favorite quotes—talent is a gift, but character is a choice—to the students and their family members attending the celebration, Mrs. Makris acknowledged that the five students (one from each school) who were being honored have daily demonstrated those characteristics of compassion, kindness, empathy and integrity that earned them recognition. She thanked them for contributing to “the moral fabric” of each of their schools. She also thanked the parents “who have been instrumental as the most important people in your child’s life.”

Mr. Joe Salamone explained to the students and families the importance of offsetting the negative influences that sway behavior. “We wanted to give an award to students who are just getting up every day and doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.  Our [LICAB’s] primary goal is to combat bullying on Long Island and…good character contributes to the battling of bullying. If you have good character, you are more than likely not going to be a bully…you are more than likely going to be somebody who stands up for somebody who is being bullied, and those are the kind of characteristics we’re seeking to reward here.”

Mr. Salamone also admitted that upon reviewing the nominations, he was pleased to see how many more Sayville students in all the buildings qualified for the award. [The Awards will be distributed quarterly during the academic year to other students]. “The five that were chosen today,” Mr. Salamone continued, “were five of the best and the first to receive this award…. This is the inaugural distribution of these awards anywhere on Long Island.”

As the recipients were called up to receive their awards, they were congratulated by the faculty who nominated them along with Mr. Salomone who presented them with the framed certificate and a monetary prize.

Sayville School District is honored to be the inaugural district and thank Executive Director Joe Salamone along with LICAB organization for sponsoring this award that focuses on the unsung heroes in our daily lives.

To see all the photos from the event go to: First LICAB Community-Leadership Ceremony



Congratulations go to: 

Sanjeeda Rahman (HS) by Melissa Rizzo Shore; Matthew Campos (MS) by Tiffany Pontieri; Keira McCormack-Falk (Cherry) by Kate Enea; Kaycie Craver (Lincoln) by Mrs. Carlson; Emma Jaklitsch (Sunrise) by Dr. Foy
