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Visit from SCDOH Warns Cherry Science Classes About the Dangers of Smoking and Vaping

Cherry Avenue Fifth-Grade Health/Science Classes Receive Visit from the Suffolk County Department of Health on Dangers of Smoking and Vaping
Cherry Students simulating breathing difficulties from Emphysema

The dangers and risks associated with smoking and vaping was the focus of a special visit by Robin Spencer, Suffolk County Department of Health Educator. “Today’s Tobacco” was a "push-in" to all four of Mrs. Elizabeth Denton’s health/science classes, ensuring that all eighty-six Cherry Avenue Fifth-grade students benefited from the SCDOH program.

“Ms. Spencer used props and demonstrations,” Mrs. Denton reported, “to educate the students about types of tobacco and nicotine devices, the effects of chemicals and carcinogens on the body and lungs, increased risk of cancers and diseases, birth defects, wet lung disease (EVALI:  e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury), and nicotine addiction. The students participated in a simulation that enabled them to experience what it feels like to breathe if you have Emphysema. Ms. Spencer also spent time teaching the children why vaping is dangerous even though vaping has no smoke, no burning, and no tar.

“Ms. Spencer helped to arm the students with the background knowledge and facts needed to make wise health decisions as they get older and move on from the elementary school level. She presented the dangers of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes in a thorough and child-appropriate manner.”

DOH visitor Robin Spencer explains dangers of %22Today's Tobacco.%22
Cherry Students simulating breathing difficulties from Emphysema

The dangers and risks associated with smoking and vaping was the focus of a special visit by Robin Spencer, Suffolk County Department of Health Educator. “Today’s Tobacco” was a "push-in" to all four of Mrs. Elizabeth Denton’s health/science classes, ensuring that all eighty-six Cherry Avenue Fifth-grade students benefited from the SCDOH program.

“Ms. Spencer used props and demonstrations,” Mrs. Denton reported, “to educate the students about types of tobacco and nicotine devices, the effects of chemicals and carcinogens on the body and lungs, increased risk of cancers and diseases, birth defects, wet lung disease (EVALI:  e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury), and nicotine addiction. The students participated in a simulation that enabled them to experience what it feels like to breathe if you have Emphysema. Ms. Spencer also spent time teaching the children why vaping is dangerous even though vaping has no smoke, no burning, and no tar.

“Ms. Spencer helped to arm the students with the background knowledge and facts needed to make wise health decisions as they get older and move on from the elementary school level. She presented the dangers of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes in a thorough and child-appropriate manner.”

DOH visitor Robin Spencer explains dangers of %22Today's Tobacco.%22