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For Eighth Year, Sayville High School Receives NYS Recognition as High-Achieving School


Sayville High School is a NYS “Recognition School” for the Eighth Time

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Once again, Sayville High School has been named by the State Education Department as a High-Achieving Recognition School for the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

From the NYS Website:

“These are exemplary public schools that demonstrate that all students can achieve at high levels with the right supports and resources,” Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa said. “Recognition Schools help to ensure equity for all children across New York State. The Regents and I are grateful to all of the teachers and administrators who, in concerted effort with their school communities, are guiding our students toward success.”

To be identified as a Recognition School, a school must:

  • have an accountability status of Good Standing;
  • have a Level 4 for the Combined Composite Performance and Growth indicator for elementary and middle schools or a Level 4 for the Combined Composite Performance and Graduation Rate for high schools for the All Students group;
  • not have a Level 1 for any accountability indicator (English language arts (ELA) and mathematics progress; Chronic Absenteeism; English language Proficiency; College, Career, and Civic Readiness for High Schools) for the All Students group;
  • not have any subgroups that were identified as Potential Targeted Support and Improvement (PTSI) based on 2018-19 school year results; and
  • not have a 2018-19 Participation Rate for ELA or Math for the All Students group that is less than 95%.  If a school did not have enough students to receive a participation rate, the school is still eligible to be identified as a Recognition School.

Sayville High School Principal Ron Hoffer acknowledged that it takes an involved school community to earn this prestigious award and thanks all the administrators, faculty and staff throughout the entire District for their contributions that made this possible.