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Halloween Window-Painting Tradition is Alive and Well in Sayville


With Social-Distancing Restrictions in Place

Halloween phantasms have appeared once again to the delight of those who visit Downtown Sayville.  The undying tradition, sponsored every year by The Kiwanis Club, had invited Sayville Art students to create Halloween-themed Window Painting on storefront windows. To keep the tradition alive during this challenging year, COVID-19 social-distancing concerns had to be considered to make the annual event happen.

“We did have to make changes to help keep our students safe this year,” explained Sayville Art Department chairperson Deb Urso. “At the High School, we were able to run it as a club activity through Art Club and National Art Honor Society. Students were excited to be able to continue this tradition. They were honored to be able to help our community using their artistic talents.”

Every year, the imaginative display entices visitors to view the thrilling designs up-close. It encourages foot traffic throughout the town that boosts Sayville’s amazing local businesses. “Some changes this year,” Urso continued, “were that we did it over two days in small cohorts. At each store we only painted one window. We also prepackaged all supplies and pre-poured all the paint into individual cups. All students needed to wear masks. We handed out gloves, had plenty of sanitizer, and everyone had to walk to town in small groups. We also made sure to space out the windows so students were more than six-feet apart from other groups painting windows.”

These changes, however, did affect who could participate in the annual activity. “Unfortunately we didn’t have the Middle School kids go,” Urso added. This was in part due to the Middle School’s distance from downtown. “We cannot walk from there, and we need to be sure the kids were socially distant.” However, the Middle School art teacher Alex Schweitzer has organized internal Halloween Window painting so these students will not miss out on this great tradition.

Urso praised The Kiwanis club for their enormous assistance in “ordering supplies and calling the stores, letting them know we would be in town….. They were so excited we were able to do it and so were we!  … There have been so many things we lost due to COVID-19. Thank goodness, with some modifications and adjustments, we were able to do this wonderful event for our students and community.”

As Halloween approaches, local shoppers can now get into the spirit by viewing artistic interpretations by our very talented Sayville students. Don't miss the treat, and don’t forget your masks! After all, it’s Halloween!



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