Lincoln Avenue Second Graders Focus Mindful Energies on the S.T.R.I.D.E.S. Trait: Empathy
Concluding the S.T.R.I.D.E.S. Empathy Trait for the month of March, Mrs. Barile’s Second-grade class at Lincoln Avenue was once again treated to a Mindful lesson by Ms. Jessica Ciardullo, the District’s Mindfulness coach and trainer. During her third visit to their classroom, Ms. Ciardullo shared what it means to be empathetic.
Mrs. Barile said her Second-graders “really enjoyed participating and sharing their experiences about being mindful of others and having empathy towards others.” According to the students, Ms. Ciardullo’s sessions were “fun and really made them think and focus on their breathing. They also really enjoy listening to the bell that Ms. Ciardullo brings to each lesson.”
“Now, more than ever,” Mrs. Barile exclaimed, “it is so important for children to be aware of their thoughts and feelings and be able to share and vocalize those thoughts with others.” An enthusiastic member of both Lincoln Avenue SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and the districtwide SEL committees, Mrs. Barile is a strong advocate for bringing more awareness to her students' social emotional health. The Second-grade teacher integrates her students’ reading and video selections with Mindful reminders. She also encourages her students to write about all the S.T.R.I.D.E.S. characteristics. “I am always trying to incorporate movement, brain breaks, and mindful thinking into my everyday lessons.”
Energizing education with mindful activities as part of one’s daily routine will always be a beneficial way to offset day-to-day stressors. This is true, not just now, but as children develop into adulthood. If any good can come from the current pandemic is this renewed awareness for Social and Emotional Learning.