Lincoln Avenue Students Learn " The Tooth" About Dental Care
Visiting Dental Hygienist Demonstrates Proper Dental Care
“Ms. Jennifer Kuhlman, a substitute support-staff member who often works at Lincoln Avenue, visited several of our classrooms to teach students about dental health,” Principal Christine Carlson recently shared. “Ms. Kuhlman, a registered dental hygienist, taught students about proper brushing techniques and the importance of choosing healthy snacks over unhealthy ones. She left the students with fun activity books to reinforce the lessons about good dental hygiene.”
Visiting Dental Hygienist Demonstrates Proper Dental Care
“Ms. Jennifer Kuhlman, a substitute support-staff member who often works at Lincoln Avenue, visited several of our classrooms to teach students about dental health,” Principal Christine Carlson recently shared. “Ms. Kuhlman, a registered dental hygienist, taught students about proper brushing techniques and the importance of choosing healthy snacks over unhealthy ones. She left the students with fun activity books to reinforce the lessons about good dental hygiene.”