"#911 Good Deeds" Program Makes the World a Better Place
Sayville Freshmen Making the World a Better Place
Earlier in the semester, Global History teacher Alisa Kremer-Parrott introduced her Freshmen class to the #911 Good Deeds initiative. This program redirects the tragic focus of September 11, 2001 from “a day of mourning to a day of doing something good and worthwhile.” Making the world a better place is a tribute to those lost on 9/11.
“Gratitude, being appreciative, and performing charitable acts in our community can make our society and our world, a little better,” explained Mrs. Kremer-Parrott about this class assignment. As a history teacher, she felt “compelled to tell them about that day…my husband survived it, but only because he changed his Tour two days before. His firehouse took a big loss of life—fifteen brothers. We can all do positive things to help one another and good deeds matter.”
To make the 9-11 commemoration more meaningful for her students who were born years after the event, Mrs. Kremer-Parrott requested they complete the #911Good Deeds assignment before Thanksgiving break. “I tried to tie this project in before Thanksgiving because that's what it's all about...being grateful for what you have despite the current state of our nation and world.”
The project entailed a pledge card the students were required to complete along with a worksheet and photos of their activity.
When the students turned in their Good Deeds, Mrs. Mrs. Kremer-Parrott was pleased with their efforts. “One young lady handed her project in early, and it was so heartwarming to know that she helped out an elderly neighbor—96 years old—and brought up her garbage pails.”
Some of the other good deeds included, mowing and trimming the yard for grandparents, donating clothes and food, raking leaves for neighbors, adopting a family for Christmas, and writing thank you letters to the NYPD.
“In the end, there is always something to be thankful for,” Mrs. Kremer-Parrot concluded, “and my family is very well aware of this. I believe that when you give to others you reap many intrinsic rewards...karma.”