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"Squeeze the Day!" Sunrise Drive Second Graders Make Lemonade Out of Lemons

Ms Philp's Second Graders Make Lemonade Out of Lemons

"Squeeze the Day"

October 2020 - Sunrise Drive


Sunrise Drive Second Graders Learn How to Make Lemonade out of Lemons to Offset Pandemic Challenges

Ms. Philp’s second grade class came back to school in September after being away from Sunrise Drive for six months.  The students spent the first month of school learning how to keep their spirits up even during challenging times.  The power of positive thinking was shining through with the class theme of making lemonade with the lemons.  They’ve been learning to “squeeze the day” and make the best out of a tough situation of masks, hand washing and social distancing. 

Dominic says: “It’s weird having to pump in and pump out with sanitizer but you get used to it and make lemonade by getting to learn in a healthy school.”

Timmy says: “It stinks that we can’t go on the carpet for a book but the lemonade is that we can sit on our desks or our yoga mats now!”

"Squeeze the Day"

October 2020 - Sunrise Drive


Sunrise Drive Second Graders Learn How to Make Lemonade out of Lemons to Offset Pandemic Challenges

Ms. Philp’s second grade class came back to school in September after being away from Sunrise Drive for six months.  The students spent the first month of school learning how to keep their spirits up even during challenging times.  The power of positive thinking was shining through with the class theme of making lemonade with the lemons.  They’ve been learning to “squeeze the day” and make the best out of a tough situation of masks, hand washing and social distancing. 

Dominic says: “It’s weird having to pump in and pump out with sanitizer but you get used to it and make lemonade by getting to learn in a healthy school.”

Timmy says: “It stinks that we can’t go on the carpet for a book but the lemonade is that we can sit on our desks or our yoga mats now!”