Sayville AP Physics and Biology Classes Videoconference With the Editors at Science World Online.
For the third time in as many years, Sayville High School Teacher-Librarian Nancy Finnerty coordinated a videoconference with the editors of Science World for Sayville’s AP Physics and Biology students.
Prior to their video session with the editors, the Sayville students visited the Science World Online site to read articles and prepare questions, at which time Ms. Finnerty gathered the student’s inquiries and submitted them to the editors for review.
On the day of the videoconference, the students were prepared to interact with the Science World reporters from the convenience of the Sayville High School Library. During the Q & A session covering the “various articles and scientific topics related to physics and biology,” Ms. Finnerty explained, the students enjoyed the interaction with science reporters who are ‘in the field' as well as learning about the process of what goes into creating the stories, researching, writing, and the layout of the articles.”