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Sayville Educator Receives the NYS AHPERD Joy of Effort Award

Coach Beth Bolger Receives the NYS AHPERD "Joy of Effort" Award

Dr. Clancy Seymour, President of NYS AHPERD, recently announced that Sayville Lincoln Avenue PE teacher Coach Beth Bolger is the recipient of the NYS AHPERD Joy of Effort Award. The award will be presented at the NYS AHPERD Awards Dinner in March 2021 at the yearly conference in Verona, NY.

The Joy of Effort Award recognizes those Physical Education instructors who exemplify passion and delight in their work and who are inspired by a commitment to a joy-filled experience. The recipients of this award have made every educational effort, through their words, actions and deeds, to enhance the lives of their students. They have achieved the goals and objectives of quality health education, physical education, recreation or dance programs because what they do is a labor of love.

As a recent example of Coach Bolger’s labor of love in promoting Health and PE, she worked during the COVID-19 quarantine with New York State AHPERD to create an advocacy video (click on image above to view the video) for Health and Physical Education (HPE). “We felt it was very important, now more than ever, to advocate for HPE and share all the essential elements and benefits. Many programs are being cut around the state. I am very blessed to work in a district that values HPE!”

Coach Beth Bolger was honored to be recognized for this award and expressed her gratitude to Lincoln Avenue Principal Christine Carlson, Sayville Superintendent Dr. John Stimmel, and Sayville Board of Education Trustee Dr. James Bertsch, Jr. “for writing the recommendations for the award. I can't thank you enough for your kind words!! It's such a joy to teach here in Sayville.”

Congratulations, Coach Bolger!