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Sparing a Dime or More to Fight Childhood Cancer


Sayville High School Student Government is launching a fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s, Your Spare Change Can Help Save a Life, which accepts pockets change and collection jars filled with coins for this worthy cause.

While in past years, the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes would select “class charities” for the entire academic year, bringing awareness and raising money for their specific charities, this year is different.  Student Government Advisor Katherine Van Dorn explained, “We thought it would be better for the school as a whole to adopt one charity and work together.” 

To prepare for the change-collection fundraiser, members of the student government spray-painted paint cans and glued the info sheet –“The Power of Change”—to each.  As English in the one subject required for four years by all high school students, these cans have been placed in each of the English classrooms for maximum coverage.

Collecting pocket change makes "cents" for such a worthy cause!  Student Government is optimistic they will have lots of change to make a change by the end of the school year.


Sayville High School Student Government is launching a fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s, Your Spare Change Can Help Save a Life, which accepts pockets change and collection jars filled with coins for this worthy cause.

While in past years, the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes would select “class charities” for the entire academic year, bringing awareness and raising money for their specific charities, this year is different.  Student Government Advisor Katherine Van Dorn explained, “We thought it would be better for the school as a whole to adopt one charity and work together.” 

To prepare for the change-collection fundraiser, members of the student government spray-painted paint cans and glued the info sheet –“The Power of Change”—to each.  As English in the one subject required for four years by all high school students, these cans have been placed in each of the English classrooms for maximum coverage.

Collecting pocket change makes "cents" for such a worthy cause!  Student Government is optimistic they will have lots of change to make a change by the end of the school year.
