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2021-2022 Academic Year Opens with Superintendent's Conference Day


Welcome Back Sayville Staff - September 1, 2021

The 2021-2022 Superintendent Conference Day hosted a return of many Sayville School District personnel—in person and appropriately masked—to the 2021-2022 school year.  

As it had been more than a year since such an assembly was possible, those in attendance were happy to meet and greet in a real—not virtual—setting. 

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Sayville Junior Amelia Wells showcased her extraordinary voice by singing the National Anthem. Her next vocal selection, Don’t Rain On My Parade, was so outstanding that her performance garnered an enthusiastic standing ovation from the entire assembly. 

On behalf of the Board of Education, President John Verdone shared a few words, first to thank the entire Sayville School District community for their hard work during the height of the pandemic, as well as to give a special “shout out” to the school nurses. He also praised the endurance of the faculty who continue to strive for academic excellence with the students. 

Sayville Schools Superintendent Dr. John Stimmel addressed the audience by first recognizing the new staff who have joined the District. He wished them success in Sayville, adding that he equates their success with success for our students. In addition, Dr. Stimmel shared a mnemonic device—the three Ps—with the staff to help them all remember what matters most. The first P stood for the late Poet Maya Angelou who said: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” The next P stood for Peter Drucker, an Austrian-American management consultant, educator, and author, whose advice “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” applies to Sayville’s tightknit community. “If you don’t have a culture of compassion,” Dr. Stimmel explained, “a culture of excellence…you’re not going to be successful…. How did we get through last year? Because we had a culture of caring and dedication…we had a culture of compassion for our students…Never take the culture for granted.” The last P Dr. Stimmel cited was the Proverb—the Golden Rule. “Treat others the way you would want to be treated.” He added the corollary specifically for educators to treat their students the way they would want the children in their own families to be treated.

Closing his remarks, Dr. Stimmel reminded the entire staff that their motivation to work in a school district has time and again proven to align with the Golden Rule and this make Sayville Schools “extraordinary.”

Dr. Stimmel’s address was followed by a Service Awards Presentation which honored those who have achieved Milestone Years of Service in the District. The video entitled The Sayville Bunch can be seen at the video link on the right.

A final poignant presentation by motivational speaker Mr. Joe Salamone (Long Island Coalition Against Bullying) was entitled The Power of You. Mr. Salamone shared his personal story about his difficult teens and how one person—a teacher—had made an impact in his life. He reminded everyone that though they may not be aware, they are capable of being that one significant person who will play a vital role in the life of a troubled student. Mr. Salamon’s powerful message left a deep and lasting impression of the audience. 

When the Superintendence Conference ended, staff disbursed to their respective buildings, charged and ready to begin the 2021-2022 Academic Year!


Click on the image to view the Milestone Years of Service Video: The Sayville Bunch