BOE Citations for 2021-2022 Academic Year
Click on the subpages to view information and photos from each Board Meeting.
NYSSBA sponsors School Board Recognition Week to recognize school board members for their commitment to New York public school children. Recognizing school board member service should be a year-round endeavor, but designating one week to highlight these volunteers’ efforts ensures they receive some of the thanks they deserve. School Board Recognition Week is an opportunity to raise community awareness and understanding about the crucial role school board members have within a school district.
In Sayville School District, Sayville BoardPresident John Verdone, Vice President Thomas Cooley, Board Trustees Dr. Jame Bertsch, Carl Cangelosi, Norm deVenau and Maureen Dolan were given thank-you messges and artwork, including ceramic pinch pots, from Sayville students. Superintendent Dr. John Stimmel publically acknowledged these devoted volunteers at the October 14, 2021 Board Business Meeting.