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BOE Citations 12/9/2021

Click to hear the Holiday Tunes sung by Amelia Wells at December 9, 2021 Board Meeting

Francesco Soccoi and Alex Robayo with Principal Hoffer and BOE Trustee Dr. Bertsch

Tech Students Recognized

The following students: Francesco Soccoi, Alec Robayo (photo above) and Christopher Costa (photos below) along with (not present for photo) Ian Donenfeld, Green Risner, and Rachel McAuliff are in the Technology Spotlight. They have shown exceptional work ethic, critical thinking and creativity.

Christopher Costa with Principal Hoffer and BOE Vice President Cooley

Photos Below: BOE citations Awarded to Music students at the December 9, 2021 Meeting

Photos below: (Top) The following music students: Emily Helbock, Luke Lundquist, Lauren Minasian, Michael Pitre, and Matthew Sullivan have been selected into the New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) High School Honor Band. Music student Brandan Mazzullo (not present for photo) has been selected into the New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) High School Honor Jazz Band; (Below) Music student Luke Lundquist performed in the NYSSMA All-State Symphonic Band, has been part of the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra of NY, will be playing at Carnegie Hall on May 1st, 2022, Luke has been accepted to tour with them in Italy in July 2022.

Presented by Musc Dept Chair Hoffman,  Principal Hoffer, and BOE Trustee Sack
Luke Lundquist with Music Dept Chair Hoffman, Principal Hoffer, BOE Vice President Cooley