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February 10, 2022 Board of Education Citations

At the February 10, 2022 BOE Meeting BOE Citations were Awarded to the Following Students

The following Middle School STEM students won first place in the Future City Competition: 

Anthony Artusa, Sophia Buffardi, Carly Cangelosi, Alana Carpenter, Katelyn Cunningham, Olivia DeSimone, Morgan Farrell, Richard Fontanetta, Wesley Jones, Kylie Kacinski, Mackenzie Klein, Julia Lilienthal, Jake Madsen, Paige Manning, Shane Meehan, Henry Reiss, Julia Sack, Ava Schutte, Mackenzie Schutte, Brady Spreckels, Meghan Vahle, Dylan Walsh, Anna Wilson.

Photo below right: l-r Students who represented the Sayville Middle School STEM team to the judges (L to R); Meghan Vahle, Julia Sack, Carly Cangelosi, and Mackenzie Schutte,. 


Middle School STEMS students receive Award Citations


At the Sayville Middle School, students created heartwarming Valentine's messages of support to honor veterans in Suffolk County. Madison Allen, William Acker, Owen Berner, Alessio Bostinto (photo below), Luke Hopkins, Samuel Sands, Jack Tennis.

A Bostinto

Valentines for Vets

The group also made and brought a special Valentine's Message for BOE trustee. Norm deVenau who served as a Marine.

BOE President holds up Valentine for deVenau

(above) BOE President John Verdone holds up the Valentine's Message for Trustee Norm deVenau for the audience to see.