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Sayville High Marine Science Classes Inspired by Mr. Vogel’s Scuba Adventures

Sayville High Marine Science Classes Inspired

by Mr. Vogel’s Scuba Adventures

Once again, Sayville High School Technology Teacher Bill Vogel, who is also a Certified Scuba Diver, presented to Ms. Giannico’s, Ms. Kaczmarek’s, and Ms. Stewart's Marine Science classes. 

Mr. Vogel’s Scuba Adventures

“Mr. Vogel is a professional diver,” Cindy Giannico said, “who shared his experiences with our students. Mr. Vogel has been a diver since High School. The students just completed lessons on scuba diving, and shipwrecks off Long Island. Mr. Vogel shared his experiences with diving and visiting wrecks such as the Andrea Doria, USS San Diego, Oregon, Stolt Dagali, to name a few.”

Mr. Vogel’s adventures stirred many questions among the students. His insights and history provided the students with first-hand data they could use in their own research and class presentations on local shipwrecks. In addition, Mr. Vogel showed the class the YouTube video he and his fellow divers took during the recovery of the Stolt Dagali anchor.

Not only do the Marine Science teachers and classes feel most fortunate to have a professional diver among our Sayville faculty, they are grateful for the wealth of experience Mr. Vogel has been able to share.


Scuba adventures
Scuba adventures
Scuba adventures
Scuba adventures
Scuba adventures

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