Sayville Players Perform the Winter Drama: Lost Girl
January 2022
The Sayville Players Present Winter Drama: Lost Girl
Among the recent retellings of Barrie’s Peter Pan, there have been several that have taken the lighthearted children’s fantasy story out of its original context and put it in a real-world setting. In doing so, these newer versions focus on the problems of “not growing up,” along with the psychological effects of childish promises and Never Land experiences upon young developing minds.
Lost Girl by Kimberly Belflower is one such drama that delves into a form of Peter-Pan Syndrome as it might have affected a real-world Wendy Darling. Upon returning to London with her brothers and the Lost Boys, Wendy is questioned by the police about the abduction, examined by her doctor, and counseled by a psychiatrist to help her through her overt depression. Wendy is intractable in her belief that self-centered Peter would return because she had gifted him a kiss. And over time, this unswerving belief in Peter—who symbolizes selfishness and shallowness in children—has long-term consequences.
Dressed for the production, the Sayville High School Little Theatre resembled the Darling’s iconic “nursery.” A child’s bed and knickknacks decorated the set, but the dominating focus of the stage was a grandiose Palladium window—an unrelenting reminder of Peter’s promise to come back—which Wendy keeps unlocked.
While Lost Girl is a darker reimagining of the Barrie and Disney-fied characters, both casts of The Sayville Players were up to the challenge. The actors demonstrated a touching maturity, handling difficult themes of stunted emotions and stalled relationships, and brought life and vigor to the weighty topic.
Rehearsal-scheduling issues aside, along with the Omicron surge that postponed the production by another week—should we mention the 20 inches of snow from the Blizzard of 2022 pushed the Saturday performances to Sunday?—The Players’ cast, crew, and producer/director Doug Shaw persevered, along with the enormous help of the Sayville Grounds crew who cleared the parking lots and walkways! Kudos to all for overcoming the challenges to ensure the show would go on!