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Seven Sayville Musicians (Six High School + One Middle School) Head for NYSBDA Symposium in Syracuse

Seven Sayville Musicians (Six High School + One Middle School) Head for NYSBDA Symposium in Syracuse

Sayville Six from High School Heading to Syracuse

The six Sayville High School Music students (listed below) have been selected for the New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) High School Honor Band and Jazz Band Symposium.  These students were chosen from over 300 applicants across New York State.  The Sayville students will join musicians from across the state in Syracuse, NY, March 4-6, 2022, for two days of intensive rehearsals followed by a performance.  “The students are really looking forward to this experience,” Kerri VanBoxel said, “especially because of disruptions due to the pandemic over the last two years.  We're very proud of these student musicians who will be representing Sayville!”

Honor BandEmily Helbock, grade 10 - French Horn; Luke Lundquist, grade 11 - Tuba; Lauren Minasian, grade 11 - Trumpet; Michael Pitre, grade 11 - Oboe; Matthew Sullivan (alternate), grade 12 - Percussion.

Honor Jazz BandBrandan Mazzullo, grade 10 - Alto Sax 


Emily Helbock
Lauren Minasian
Matthew Sullivan
Luke Lundquist
Michael Pitre
Brandan Mazzullo

Sayville Middle School Musician Selected for NYSBDA Symposium

Middle School Oboist Ava Helbock has also been chosen to represent Sayville Middle School in the NYSBDA Middle School Honor Band in Syracuse at the Symposium. "It truly is an honor," said Middle School Band Director Kim Lattanzio, "and an incredible accomplishment for any middle school student to be selected for such a prestigious ensemble."

Ava Helbock