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Some Enchanted Evening at Sunrise Drive

An Evening at Sunrise

An Evening at Sunrise
Reading around the campfire
Reading a Camp Read-a-Lot
Science Fair
Fishing at Camp Read-a-Lot
Science Fair
Science Fair
Science Fair
An Evening at Sunrise

An Evening at Sunrise

The excitement was palpable! For the first time in two years, Sunrise Drive Elementary School opened its doors for An Evening at Sunriseand it was indeed an enchanting one for children and parents alike.The special family event combined the Science Fair with a “Student Accomplishments” showcase.  In the gym, Sunrise Drive families were amazed by the remarkable Science Fair Projects, and then, browsed the halls for “the latest and greatest” writing and art projects posted on the bulletin boards. Also, A Time-Capsule project from the year 1999 was on display.

Additionally, this year’s PARP Program, sponsored by the PTA, was tied into the theme, “Camp-Read-A-Lot.” The Sunrise Drive PTA PARP Committee and School Librarian set up creative activities, like a “fishing” pond and “fire-side” reading activities for the children and their families to enjoy in the cafeteria and Library. 

“Students were elated,” Sunrise Drive Principal Dr. James Foy noted enthusiastically, “as they walked their parents and family members through the halls, shared their current writing pieces, learned some new facts at the Science Fair, read information from the Sunrise Drive class of 1999 Time Capsule, and cozied up with a good book under the stars. It was a wonderful night!”

Reading Around the Campfire at Camp Read-a-Lot
Face of Welcome for Camp Read-A-Lot

1999 Time Capsule Opened

1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive
1999 Time Capsule at Sunrise Drive